
Monday, June 30, 2014

Rothenburg, Germany: If you don't like the weather wait a minute.

Renee and I sent another wonderful day in Rothenburg, It started with a hearty German breakfast of hard rolls, meats, cheeses, yogurt, boiled eggs and strong black coffee.  Although less than ideal for a low carb, low animal protean diabetic, I loved it.  That gave me the strength to walk a few miles to a grocery store (most of the time was looking for one) and back to the hotel in pouring rain. Then we headed into the old town with raincoats and umbrellas in hand.  It was sunny for first hour.  We had a very nice lunch at an Italian restaurant, Renee having minestrone soup and a salad and I having a salad and spinach omelet.  We then waited in the pouring rain for a walking tour.  The sun and rain mixed it up for the entire 90 minute tour which was well worth the time.  We then got coffee and started looking for a craftsmen's museum.  A house that dates from 12c with period furniture, a nice 20 minute diversion.   We found quick dinner and looked for a bakeshop (for me) and walked back to the hotel in sun and rain.
101_0083Carved corner board, half-timbered house101_0132

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