
Monday, July 14, 2014

Driving in Europe and Brugge

After the Tour de France we stated in France a few miles from the boarder to Luxembourg.  I had read that gas is expensive in Belgium so I wanted to full up before the boarder, so before getting on the highway I looked for an open gas station on a Sunday.  Found lots of 24/7 automated stations that take Europe cards, but none would take one of my credit cards (but none eat my card so life is good).  On to the highway an the first gas station rest area in Luxembourg.  As you enter you must pick lanes for Credit or Cash.  I picked credit and again found the automated teller would not take my card.  So I tried to go around back to Cash, no luck, at the rest area you get one try.  Back in the car an off to the next rest area, tried Cash, they would not take credit, but I did fill my tank, so we would make our hotel without running out of gas.  We found our hotel about 3pm and it was nice.  We checked in and headed to downtown Brugge, thank God (and many engineers) for GPS systems.  After a few go arounds we mad it to the 't Zand parking garage under the bus yard.  We walked about 5 miles in town and took a horse and buggy ride around town, got dinner and a beer and headed back to the car-park.  I tried to pay again with my Visa and the machine ate the card.  I hit the Help button and heard Flemish, I tried my French "It has eaten my bank card" I heard laughter (my French or the way I said it) followed by "one moment please".  A man showed up and dissembled the machine and gave me my card back.  Note to self, don't try any automated teller in Belgium with a US Visa card.  Back to he hotel where the staff and guests were watching some game between Germany and Argentina, apparently it was important.  A good nights sleep and some week coffee and we were back in downtown Brugge (so far all coffee pales to France/Italy/Home).   We walked out to see the windmills on the opposite side of town, along the way we got coffee and it was good, strong and came with fudge, my constitution restored we walked to the windmills, Michelangelo's Madonna and Child, the Basilica of the Holy Blood and many other sights of the city.  I'm still made at Rick Steves, everyplace he recommends is crowded (Burgge was packed)!
  101_0514 101_0568 101_0576 101_0540 Basilica of the Holy Blood 101_0600

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