
Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Tour de France - Baccarat

So we decided to spend a day seeing the Tour de France and it was coming near Strasbourg as we were leaving so we stopped in the crystal city of Baccarat at 11am and waited for the tour that would pass through about 2:40pm.  When we got their the crowds were light, but growing.  By 1pm the streets were lined for miles.  To our surprise and delight vehicles came through throwing prizes for about 30 minutes.  Hats, key-rings and other souvenirs.  We managed to catch our share.  Then the souvenir truck came through selling packages and I bought a tee-shirt, hat and bag (seemed only foreigners where buying).  Not much after that the lead pack came through and 7 minutes later the remainder.  It was very exciting even for someone like me who equates watching sports to paint drying (and in my book paint drying winds more than 50%).
Stage 8 - Tour de France - Baccarat

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