
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Day two on the train

Day two on the train was great, the breakfast was nice and they had good coffee.  Spent much of the day in the viewing car talking to people and catching up on some reading.  Amtrak did a great job of requiring and encouraging masking.

At one of the stops, we ran into town and picked up some fruit - the only thing lacking from the dining car.  We managed to find the store, buy the fruit and get back to the train before it departed with time to spare.

The viewing car was alway busy, but not really crowded.  A great place to watch the world go by and to meet people,
We passed through a tunnel as we crossed the continental divide bringing the viewing car into darkness.

I tried to get a good shot of the train going around a bend, this does not do it justice…
In Albuquerque we picked up Mike.  He joined us on the train down 3 rosettes from us.  He we had a great meal in the dining car and got to talk in person for the first time.

Our train car number
So things were going great until Mike an Jim both got phone calls from Amtrak, the track between Los Angles and San Diego and Amtrak was not able to find a solution.

From 7pm until post 10 we tried U-Haul  - their website was awful and their phone support not as good,  Net outcome was they had nothing that would hold 3 people and 3 bikes near (15 miles) Union Station in LA.  Mike reserved an Expedition for more than I even want to say,  so we called it a night

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