
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Brackettville (Fort Clark Springs) to Camp Wood Tx

 Today was mostly uneventful, we left Fort Clark Springs and started riding Texas hill county.  Not many major hills today (that starts tomorrow).  A few historic markers and we rode into Camp Wood, TX about noon.  It seems to be a fairly prosperous small town with fruits and vegetables in the market (gas station) and a few restaurants.  We stopped at the cafe and both had the Pattymelt special.  Then we started seeing the TDA Global Cycling folks and camped in the same spot (we got a cabin).  Again we were invited for dinner and given the food they offer we could not resist (it would have been futile).  Dinner was a delicious Spanish mutton stew and salad.  I also spent time maintaining my bike and making sure I had my lowest gear working, lots of climbing tomorrow.  We also picked up more bagels and fruit for the road.  PB&J on bagels is a great road snack.  The best thing about the meeting up with the TDA group is the conversation, so many well traveled people.

*My one regret of the day - we were riding along and I was feeling tired when we passed a tree with 10-15 vultures on it and a large carcass nearby.  I was 1/4 mile past when I realized how cool a photo it would make.  The photographer in me lost and the tired legs won 😕

From a few days ago on the gopro Seminole Canyon State Park ride

Check out my ride on Strava.

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