
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Stress day followed by rest day - oh and 💨 WIND


Yesterday was an 80 mile day with heavy winds and some bike issues (rear rim cracks on my rim replaced 900 miles ago).  Did I mention we crossed 1800 miles for the trip so far!

Yesterday started well, we were inside a nice cabin while it rained and started riding a bit after 9am when the rain stopped.  Our route took us through Bastrop State park, but we found the road closed.  The only alternative was take a divided Highway for 15 miles.  This is when my troubles and stress started.  Just as I started riding the highway I picked up a nail in my rear tire (flat number 9).  Jim biked back to check on me which was nice.  This was quickly fixed with a new tube and I was back on the road.  About a mile later my back tire blew with a loud bang(flat #10)!  Not sure the case but as I go to replace the tube, I notice cracks around two of the spokes.  Some googling and a small route change and we are in Brenham, TX at the Kat-Bird Cycling shop only 80 miles from our start often with 25mph crossw.  Eric the owner looked over the rim and said:  it might go tomorrow, but might survive to Florida, while he was explaining this and what to look for my partner kept interrupting and making less then helpful comments adding to my stress and I had to ask Eric to repeat things multiple times😤.  After we found a hotel in Brenham and called it a night.  I was not interested in any of the nearby restaurants so I bought wine, fruit and two frozen dinners and ate in my room.  The meal was surprisingly good and a great end to an otherwise stressful day.  *Another thing we saw was “The Red Barn Sale” about 15 miles of flemarket along the route, at another time in my life I could have spent days looking at stuff. Big Red Barn Sale Video

Today was a “forced” rest day, we looked at the weather and the morning was windy, the afternoon was predicted to have 60mph gusts.  We did an early and mostly easy 30 miles to Navasota, TX and called it a day by Noon.  Winds were tough even in the morning for biking.  In the afternoon they were even tough for walking.

I did some bike maintenance and checked my rims, no change in the cracks, so I will continue until I find a new set or..

Tomorrow we go a bit off-route so we can head east with the wind and try to get back on route the next day.  A bit iffy on road conditions, but it’s better than 20mph crosswinds!

A few older videos:

Water crossing video

Cows in our path - loose cattle

Boots on the fence posts

Stress day: Check out my ride on Strava.

Rest day:  Check out my ride on Strava.

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