
Monday, November 15, 2021

Madison to High Springs to Palatka, FL - two long days

Sunday we biked from Madison Florida to High Springs, a total of 90 miles.  We stopped at a hotel at the 40 mile mark, but it was 10:30 and we felt good.  Also the hotel was near a McDonalds and a gas station and had no other food options.  The next city with a hotel was High Springs, another 50 miles down the road so w moved on.  Just as we started riding again, I saw two large dogs running towards us (60-70 lb).  Most dogs bark and yap and give chase for fun but are mostly harmless, yes we have been chased by wiener dogs.  These dogs were silent and fast.  I went from my normal 12mph touring speed to almost 20mph and the dogs were still gaining.  I swerved and hit one with my rear panniers several times.  I heard snarling and felt a tug, but found no teeth marks on my panniers.  Thankfully they tired out faster then I did and dropped back after a few hundred years.  We made it safely to High Springs a few hours before dark and found a good motel with a neat diner across the street - The Pink Flamingo.  Good food -  Jambalaya and a huge bread pudding, just what I needed after 90 miles of riding. We talked to the owner at a fire pit near the outdoor seating. Found out he is one of the cofounders of Beyond Meat.

Monday we started in High Springs and headed to Palaka, again the problem of a hotel early (30 miles in Gainesville) and nothing else for another 50 (Palaka).  We started early and cold (39 degrees) on a road heading southeast. About 3 miles in the road turned east into the sun.  We were blinded and so were the drivers, so we pulled off the road for a bit.  We found a McDonald’s nearby and grabbed a coffee and let the sun come up.  The rest of the day was good riding with over 30 miles on bike paths.  We are staying at the Comfort Inn on the river in Palaka Florida.  Dinner was at the oldest diner in Florida (Angel’s dining car).  The Club sandwich was good and the milkshake great.  

We are at 3020 miles for the trip with less than 50 miles to the Atlantic Ocean in St. Augustine. If all goes well we will be done tomorrow!

The view from my room in Palaka
High Springs Country Inn

Oldest diner in Florida 

Sunday - Check out my ride on Strava.


Monday- Check out my ride on Strava.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled that you're nearly done, looking forward to the last on-the-road update!
