
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Two hours of passion a day!

Is it a midlife crises or just starting to truly value what's important, I'm not sure why I want to change, but I'm sure I do want things to change.  To put it simply I want more of what I'm passionate about in my life.  More time with my wife, more time with family & friends,more good food, more biking, more camping, more backpacking, more reading and more writing (If you know me this last item should concern you).  

It's easy to get busy and let days and weeks go by with little or nothing done for pure joy and the passion of doing it.  TV, facebook and the like are little more than mental masturbation; entertaining on the surface, but not fulfilling.  So my plan is to make sure that I spend two hours everyday doing things that are real and that I love to do.

So I started today with a two plus hour bike ride and going out to dinner with my lovely bride, followed by having friends over for drinks.  It may be overkill, but you gota start somewhere.

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