
Sunday, April 3, 2011

The way Sundays should be...

Most of the time Sundays are taken up doing all the "stuff" that was not done the rest of the week (and for me still needs to be done).  Today was different, we accomplished nothing and did things more important.  We started by sleeping a little later than normal and went to church.  After church Renee stayed home and cleaned up after our guests from Saturday and I went shopping for dinner.  As usual I had less than a plan for dinner, I normally just look for what looks good and I know we can enjoy for 2 or 3 days.  I finish shopping with the intent of making beef stroganoff, tabbouleh, grilled asparagus, peppers and summer squash 106_6468, tempeh, chicken and a rustic French breadDutch Oven Bread.  Well as I'm checking out from shopping Renee calls and says my Mom and her Aunt will be stopping buy for an hour.  I got home and talked them into staying for dinner (mostly by the aroma of cooking bread).  So I did not get my bike ride in, but I did get several hours of great company and great food out of the deal.  All Sundays should be so good.  Now off to the Troop 755  Committable meeting.  I may not have gotten a bike ride in, but I sure got my two hours of passion and I will eat well for a few more days.

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