
Friday, October 8, 2021

Loardsburg to Silver City - A good climb

 Now that we are in western New Mexico sunrise is not until 7:15 so we slept in and left Loardsburg about 8am heading for Silver City. The route was 45 miles and had 3800 feet of climbing, the air was cool (55f) and we had a light tailwind.  The first few miles we backtracked the route we took into town, then we took 90 East and started to climb, at first it was hard to notice.  The road looked “flat”, but it was work to move beyond a snails pace.  We gained over 2300 feet in 20 miles, not “hard” but steady and wearing.  Once we crossed the continental divide, we had rolling hills, we would coast to 25 miles per hour and then head back up at 7 or 8 MPH, repeating for 25 miles. We made a few stops to refill our waters and eat snacks, I was lucky to have a few leftover oranges from Thatcher.  By the time we got to Silver City we were both ready for more food!

We found an Ice Cream parlor and got a quick snack and asked about hotels.  A local Jim was talking to recommended Hotel Murray, I checked and they had a room.  We biked over and they stored our stuff while our room was being cleaned.  We headed down the street looking for food. We found a cafe that had shaded outdoor seating and sat down.  I had a great sandwich and salad and about 4 iced teas.  Refreshed we headed back to the hotel to check in.  Our room is nice, clean and too small for the bikes (check out the phone below).  The hotel has a room they lock for the bikes so we are good.  Jim was looking for bike parts and I was looking for a few snacks so we split up.  I found what I was looking for at a food coop, no food desert here!  Local apples, bananas, sparkling water and a big cookie!  Walking back to the hotel I found a bike shop and they will tune my bike while I wait tomorrow (it’s ok, but shifts poorly and the wheels need truing- too many bad roads).  I went back to the hotel and took time to enjoy it’s Art Deco style.  Jim came back with the parts he wanted and we went out for pizza and beer, a great end to a great day!

Tomorrow we rest and explore more of Silver City.

Lunch after 45 miles and 3800 feet of climbing 
Downtown Silver City 
Crossing the Continental Divide 
Murray Hotel 

The Lobby of the Murray Hotel 
Snack Stop
The phone in our room 
Our miles so far

Our bedroom 
The road ahead

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