
Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thatcher to Duncan to Loardsburg NM

We departed Thatcher with the intent of riding 40 miles to Duncan.  The road was good and the wind to our back we arrived about 11am and found our first few camping options would not work.  One was a public park but the toilets were locked… We ate a snack at the bakery and talked options.  The best option we came up with was ride another 40 to Loardsburg and get a nice hotel.  We “lost” an hour crossing into New Mexico but still arrived by 5pm and found a nice room at the comfort inn.  Had a hardy meal and saw a grocery with a S&H Green Stamps sign - I remember helping my Mom fill in the booklets in the 60s.

Duncan bakery!

Jim and I with our recovery drinks in Loardsburg after 79+ miles 
View behind our hotel in Thatcher 
End of the day accumulated miles - Loardsburg 
Jim and I at the New Mexico boarder 
Store in Loardsburg - S&H - I have not seen that since the 70s
Monument along the route - sad how little historical context is included 
Our Comfort Inn in Loardsburg NM
FUMC Duncan AZ

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